Read It Before You Buy It!

Reviews of only top products...

Our Products Reviews

About Us

Welcome to and thank you for visiting our website. Our mission is to make the world a better place by creating the best reviews on popular products out there, so our users can have the best decision before they are making a purchase and waste time, money and energy.

We do our best to deliver the best product reviews by working hard in testing, writing and developing the best web pages that will give our users all the information that they need. In order for them to take the best decision for them.

We Research

Before we write any product review we make a market research on the product's niche. It is very important to know what other alternative there are out there. We do keyword research, check out other e-commerce website, we check what kind of similar products they offer and what kind of features they have.

We compare prices, money back policies, quality and features that are similar between similar products. After we make an assement, we chooce only the best product that we can find. Our research includes google trends analysis, keywords research, niche research and customer reviews.

We Test

After we complete our thorough research, we choose the best product and test it. Our testing includes not only testing the product's quality, but also the buying process. We act as if we were a real customer and we go and we purchase the product. The purchase process and experience is also very important in our evaluation.

Another important factor in our testing process is the money back guarantee. If there is no proper money back policy that satisfy our needs, we stop the evaluation. After purchasing the chosen product we let 5 people from our devoted staff to try, use, and test the product and make an opinion about it at the end of the process.

We Write

Writing product reviews is out expertise. After we are done with the research and testing process, we let one of our testers to write top quality review. The written review will be checked by 3 more staff members that participated in the testing phase, so they can add fixes, additions or comments.

Right after the other staff members approved the written product review, it will go live on our site. The whole process takes between 3-6 weeks. Depends on the product, the niche and the shipping duration. Our reviews will be between 800 - 1500 words per review. The longest review will take no more than 10 minutes to read. We hope our review will meet your expectations.

Contact Us

Please feel free to write to our customer support at any time If you have a product you want us to review or just want to leave a message, comment or a suggestion we would love to hear from you. You can send us a message by filling the form below and we will answer within 3 business days.